The Press Secretary's Passion (A Presidential Affair Book 3)
Table of Contents
The Press Secretary’s Passion
About the Book
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
About Jennifer
Also by Jennifer
King of Lies Sneak Peak
Copyright © 2020 Jennifer Rebecca
This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the authors’ imaginations and are used fictitiously. Any resemblance of actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is coincidental.
All rights reserved. Except as permitted under the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the author.
Cover Design and Formatting by
Alyssa Garcia
Uplifting Author Services
Editing by
Kayla Robichaux
For more information about Jennifer Rebecca & her books, visit:
For all the girls who have ever been told that they’re not enough.
You ARE.
The Press Secretary’s Passion
The moan heard around the world—that’s what they’re calling me. I’m the toughest Press Secretary there’s ever been, and now a sex tape I didn’t even know I made is circling the internet. Every day, I face a roomful of the Associate Press, and they ask me to name the man in the video, but I won’t. That’s not how I play. But will he rescue me from a political nightmare when I need him?
Sometimes, a knight doesn’t show up in shining armor. He’s videotaped wearing nothing at all.
“Porn Star Press Secretary: Video Goes Viral!”
Plot Twist
“Ohhh… yes. Yes!”
I watch as a strong, masculine hand thrusts two fingers into my pussy. My hips arch up to meet him. Swirling wisps of color tease and twirl around his arm in the form of a tattoo, but from this angle, you can’t tell what it is in the video. But I clearly have firsthand knowledge of the soldier’s cross tattoo that sits on that tan stretch of skin.
“Please!” I hear myself beg.
“Mmm.” He chuckles, low and throaty, because he was enjoying teasing me, keeping me on the edge.
“Please!” I needed him so badly. Truth be told, I still do, and thankfully, he’s inclined to oblige me, because he shows up in the middle of the night almost every night.
My cheeks heat, and I try to clench my thighs without anyone noticing, but he notices. I see him smirk out the corner of my eye. He knows what he does to me and how well he does it too. I watch the screen as he grips his thick, veiny cock in his fist before rubbing the flushed tip through my wetness and then up to stroke my clit, making me bite my lip to keep from crying out, because my torture only seems to egg him on.
It’s weird being both humiliated and turned on in a roomful of your friends and colleagues, but it’s also nothing I’m new to. I had a full career as a primetime anchor for Eagle News Network, a national cable news channel based out of New York, before Jake named me his Press Secretary. You don’t make it this far without a few scars on your arms and knives in your back. Although, even I have to admit that this one takes the cake.
My parents are going to kill me.
“Ahhh,” I moan as he finally notches the very tip of him at my center and slides in all the way. That sound is embarrassing. It’s a high, keening sound, kind of like a cat in heat, although I guess that’s what I was.
“Kill me now,” I mumble under my breath.
I remember the moment so well, not only because he showed me a repeat performance last night, but because it was that memorable. He had my body strung so tight and pushed me higher and higher. I was like a lit fuse on a bomb.
The muscles in his thighs and ass flex and ripple as he pulls out to the tip only to thrust back in, making my tits bounce like a porn star. Is that what I am now? A porn star? He grips my hips so tight in his hands I wore marks for days, just like the ones I carry on my skin now under my wool slacks.
I feel my eyes glaze over. I’m lost in the moment, watching as he pumps into me over and over again. I watch as my hands grip the sheets of the hotel bed tight as I arch my back while he fucks me into oblivion.
And then I watch with everyone else as my jaw drops down on a silent scream and my eyes close as I find completion in a mystery man’s arms.
Jake clears his throat. “I think we’ve seen enough,” he says uncomfortably, and the staffer holding the iPad in his hands hits Pause.
“The video was released thirty-seven minutes ago,” the staffer says helpfully. “And has been viewed twenty-six million times.”
There’s a knock at the door.
“Come in,” Jake says.
“I was looking for Jules,” my assistant says as he pokes his head in the room. “The Press Room is ready for you to brief them on HB 2250.”
“Great,” I reply, not feeling it at all.
“You don’t have to go in there, Jules,” Jake says gently. “We can send in someone else. Hell, I’ll do it myself.”
“Normally, I would say no to that,” Rick inserts. “But for you, I’d even do it.”
“Come on, guys.” I laugh, but it lands flat, even to my own ears. “This happens every day. I’ll be old news by tomorrow. Time to get back on the horse.”
“Jules, you don’t have to be brave in here,” Jake tells me. He knows me well for someone who’s new to my life. Marrying my bestie, Grace, was the smartest thing he ever did, and he loves her so much he’d do anything for her. Including protect her idiot best friend from a sex tape scandal.
I shrug one shoulder like it’s no big deal. “Nah, I can’t let them smell my fear. Besides, I’m surprised it hasn’t happened before now.”
And then I walk out of the Oval Office and down the hall toward the White House Press Room to brief a bunch of great white sharks on a congressional bill the president vehemently opposes and, plot twist, all while my boobs are bouncing around the internet like a porn star and the knowledge that the world has now seen my “O” face.
“Where is Chief of Staff Daughter?”
Chapter 1
Kicking and screaming
One month earlier
The White House
“Ma’am,” his voice rumbles in a southern drawl, and not in a nice way. I’m sure it would be nice if he were nice to me, but for some reason I do not know, Captain Ryan Black cannot stand me. “I need you to come with me.”
“What? Why?” I ask. If there’s something seriously wrong, I need to know. It’s part of my job as the White House Press Secretary to be ahead of any and all situations and present statements to the Press on what is going on and how the President is responding to it.
So my question is not at all out of left field.
“That’s not for you to know, ma’am,” he says curtly, and honestly that’s utter bullshit.
“Then no,” I respond. “I’m not going with you.”
Let him put that in his pipe and smoke it.
“Ma’am,” he repeats, and I can see the muscles in his jaw working, so he’s clearly trying to hold tight to his patience with me, but there he goes ma’am-ing me again. I get that he’s from Texas and they ma’am there and it’s a military thing, but the way he says it to me doesn’t seem very nice. Now, with Grace and Cara, he’s as sweet as can be, but with me, he’s all piss and vinegar, and I am over it. “With all due respect, you’re coming with me.”
I can barely hold back the frustrated sigh that’s threatening to burst free. I like to be direct, and I like people who are direct with me, so this talking around me in circles isn’t really making me feel all warm and fuzzy on the inside.
“With all due respect,” I reply, because I think we’ve danced around each other enough for one day and I have some two-day-old mu shu chicken in my fridge I either need to eat or toss and I’m really looking forward to eating it. So it’s time to get this show on the road. “When someone starts a statement with ‘with all due respect,’ in my experience, they mean absolutely none will be given.”
“That’s probably true.”
Wait, what? Did he… did he just admit he doesn’t respect me? What an asshole.
“You don’t respect me?” I ask, carefully holding my facial expression so I give nothing away, even though on the inside I’m steaming mad.
“I see nothing but a spoiled princess, ma’am,” he answers, and wow, that really stung. I wonder what I ever did to make him dislike me so much. “So now it’s time to get your spoiled ass in the fucking car.”
I don’t fucking think so. “No.”
“This was not a question. It’s an order,” he growls, and the deep, rumbly sound sends a shiver down my back and tingles in other places.
No! We are not attracted to the rude Neanderthal. He is an asshole. We decided we were done with men in New York.
I had been dating a co-anchor before Jake hired me to run his press room. He was tall, blond, and I suspected he was also Botoxed. I thought everything was going well, and in my head, I even started planning a spring wedding.
But then I had news story after news story pulled from me and handed to a young man fresh out of some state school in California and who had absolutely no business at a National News Channel such as Eagle News. He hadn’t paid his dues yet.
And then one evening, I used my key to surprise my boyfriend, only I was the one who got the surprise. They’re still together to this day, and the invitation to their fall wedding is pinned to my refrigerator. I wasn’t even hurt about it. We didn’t love each other.
Before that, it was another cheater, this time with a woman—or I should say a lot of them. And before that, it was a guy who stole my checking account number. So by the time my last boyfriend found his one and only not in me, I was over trying.
And I was not going to let this highhanded alpha male use me as a doormat, whether he had a nice voice and an attractive amount of silver at his temples or not. The way he filled out the trousers of his uniform wasn’t going to influence that decision either.
I was done.
“Then you’re going to have to drag me kicking and screaming,” I said as I landed my hands on my hips in the universal stance of a pissed-off woman.
What I did not realize in all of my introspection was that Captain Black was not a man to be challenged like that. If I realized that, maybe I would have made a polite but quiet excuse before I scurried away in order to regroup so I could fight another day.
No, I got in his face, which was not how I was raised. I’m Julia Fairchild of the New Haven Fairchilds, although we have summer houses in the Hamptons as well as the Keys and Hawaii. I was raised to be a lady, socialite, and then a trophy wife. And in my thirty-three-year tenure in the position, I had done none of those things.
I also apparently didn’t learn any real-world lessons. Otherwise, I would have taken a measured step back when I saw his eyes flare as I threw down my gauntlet. I would have seen the smirk that flitted across his lips and maybe also that the crotch of his jeans was a little more fitted than it was ten minutes ago. Or all of the above.
But I didn’t, and now I’m going to learn a real-life lesson handed to me by the sexiest man on the planet who also just so happens to be an asshole.
“Be careful what you wish for, princess.”
And then before I could utter a single word, but not before I could open my mouth to try, he bends at the middle and comes at me, driving his shoulder into my belly, making me let out a soft “oof.” And then I’m going up… up… up as he stands and bounces me on his shoulder to get a better hold on me before he carries me through some of the not so well-known exit tunnels to a dark, unmarked SUV.
He beeps the locks with a key fob and pulls open the back door before tossing me inside. I try to pull at the door handles, but he has the child lock engaged! I let out a little growl as I try the door again.
He pulls open the driver door, climbs behind the wheel before taking one look at me in the throes of my escape attempt, and just says, “No,” and then he starts the car like kidnapping is no big deal.
“This is insane,” I snap. “Just let me go.”
“No,” he repeats as he drives. He doesn’t even bother to look my way, like I’m not a person; I’m a nuisance. “This is important.”
“Well, I would know that if you would tell me what this is,” I say snottily like the spoiled brat he proclaimed I am.
Fortunately for me—or unfortunately, as the case may be—he doesn’t say anything else to me as he drives me through D.C. and then farther and farther until we pull up to a deserted farmhouse. He pulls the car into a faded red barn next to several others and parks the car.
Captain Black steps down from the vehicle, and I watch as he closes his door and pulls open the rear door on that side, not the one I’m sitting next. I think he’s done with his barbarian routine and will finally let me have some answers, because one look at me would show I’m spitting mad. Although, one look at him should have told me the same thing, only I wasn’t paying close enough attention. And then he wraps his large hand with its deliciously calloused fingertips around my slim ankle and yanks me out of the car.
“Not this again,” I mumble, but again he gives me no reply.
He catches me and throws me over his shoulder once more before storming up the back steps of the home. I don’t even bother to scream, because there’s no one around for miles and miles.
I manage to wiggle out of his arms with a quick elbow to his not at all soft middle. I cannot believe the nerve of this man! Who does he think he is, hauling me around and manhandling me like this? I storm my way through the house, determined to get away from him, when he reaches for me again, grabbing me by the back of my arm.
“Would you kindly get your paws off me!” I snap before coming to a halt when I notice the full room. I’m instantly alert. “What’s going on here?”
“Sit down, Jules,” Jake says quietly. “This is serious.”
“What’s happened?” I ask before I settle myself on the arm of a sofa.
“Rachel has been taken,” Rick says to the room.
Jake closes his eyes for a second before opening them again, and when he does, they burn bright with determination and retribution. This is what I love about our president, not only for our country, but for one of my closest friends. That loyalty is hers to harness, and I am over-the-moon happy she has someone like that.
“Is there any connection between her kidnapping and this morning’s revelations?” Jake questions.
“I think so,” Rick answers quietly, and my gut clenches.
I don’t have any children, and at the rate I’m going, I probably never will, so I can’t imagine
what they’re feeling. But it crushes my heart and lights a fire in my gut. What kind of monster would take a child? I know now that I will do whatever they need me to do to help. I haven’t been friends with Cara and Rick for years like I have Grace, but that doesn’t matter. These are my people, and for them, I’ll go to battle.
I met Grace—and our other bestie, Angie—at NYU during Freshman Rush. I don’t know how or why but we stuck. Even though Angie has since moved to Texas and married the love of her life, a former professional football player and is in the middle of living her dream and popping out beautiful football loving babies, Grace and I remain close with her. Grace and I have been inseparable. Although, that’s easy to do when you stay in the same town.
About a year ago, Grace was swept off her feet by then hot bachelor U.S. Senator Jake. It was hate at first sight for Grace but good old Jake had some tricks up his sleeve. With the help of his long time friend and campaign manager, Rick, Jake was able to win over Grace.
When Jake won the big election the first thing he did was sign Rick and I on as his inner circle. Rick is now one hell of a Chief of Staff and I make the press room my bitch. I absolutely love my job.
We had thought that what your saw was what you get with the always grouchy Rick but that couldn’t have been farther from the truth. Imagine everyone’s surprise when his long lost ex-wife showed up with their adorable daughter. Grace and I instantly took them in. They’re part of the family now.
“Is this place even secure?” Captain Black bites out. I turn only my head to look at him where he stands against the far wall. He’s with the group but separate, and that pings in my heart, but I don’t know why.
And he’s angry.
His voice stings as it whips around the room, and I realize he’s angry at me. What the hell could I have done now?
“Yes,” Jake says calmly. “This property is secure and off public records. Rick and I meet here often.”